


  • Trailing Stop Loss

  • Manual max. slippage

  • Click on any coin in your wallet to trade it



  • goodcryptoX and gems 💎 screener available on iOS and Android apps


Build: 5/9/2024, 1:55:34 PM (UTC)

  • gems 💎 screener

  • tokens in wallet sorted by USD value

  • price impact warning if >20%

Build: 5/6/2024, 3:57:56 PM (UTC)

  • goodcryptoX NFTs support

Build: 4/12/2024, 4:29:46 PM (UTC)

  • Trade new tokens as soon as they are minted

  • Batched transactions such as wallet contract deploy and token spend approve are now shown in route and order details

  • Mobile-optimized interface

Build: 3/28/2024, 2:41:04 PM (UTC)

  • Added shortcut to order details that switches chart to coins in the order

  • Correct handling of tokens with sell/buy tax

  • Recently created order highlighted in orders list

  • USD equivalent for gas fees in order details

Build: 3/21/2024, 2:42:49 PM (UTC)

  • Show trigger price in 'Get' coin in trailing/limit order details

  • Show coins in the wallet on top of the list when choosing which coin to 'Spend'

Build: 3/19/2024, 2:42:49 PM (UTC)

  • Limit price can now be set in 'get' or 'spend' coin

Build: 3/14/2024, 4:00:46 PM (UTC)

goodcryptox available in web app to users with invites.

Last updated