Last updated
Last updated
Trailing Stop Loss
Manual max. slippage
Click on any coin in your wallet to trade it
goodcryptoX and gems screener available on iOS and Android apps
gems screener
tokens in wallet sorted by USD value
price impact warning if >20%
goodcryptoX NFTs support
Trade new tokens as soon as they are minted
Batched transactions such as wallet contract deploy and token spend approve are now shown in route and order details
Mobile-optimized interface
Added shortcut to order details that switches chart to coins in the order
Correct handling of tokens with sell/buy tax
Recently created order highlighted in orders list
USD equivalent for gas fees in order details
Show trigger price in 'Get' coin in trailing/limit order details
Show coins in the wallet on top of the list when choosing which coin to 'Spend'
Limit price can now be set in 'get' or 'spend' coin
goodcryptox available in web app to users with invites.